What's the difference between pool fence and guard railing?

Key-Link Aluminum Fence 2000 series pool fence

As a railing and fencing manufacturer, the Key-Link team gets asked about mixing aluminum fencing and railing in different installation situations. A common question involves pools: customers want to know if they can use fence as a railing or railing as a pool barrier and still meet code requirements. Unfortunately mixing and matching when codes are involved is not a good idea, simply because the codes are different. Pool fence codes and guard railing codes have different (almost opposing) purposes and address different safety issues entirely

IMG_1740Even though there's a pool on this deck, the bigger concern is falling off the elevated deck into the bay. 

Keeping People Out

Pool fence codes are designed to ensure the safety of individuals, particularly young children, around swimming pools. These codes typically mandate the installation of a fence or barrier around the pool area to prevent unauthorized access and potential drowning incidents. Pool fence codes often specify requirements such as minimum fence height, self-closing and self-latching gates, and specific spacing between fence components to prevent climbing. Fundamentally, these codes are designed to keep people out.

Keeping People In

Pool fence codes are designed to ensure the safety of individuals, particularly young children, around swimming pools. These codes typically mandate the installation of a fence or barrier around the pool area to prevent unauthorized access and potential drowning incidents. Pool fence codes often specify requirements such as minimum fence height, self-closing and self-latching gates, and specific spacing between fence components to prevent climbing. Fundamentally, these codes are designed to keep people out.

SP_KL_159PineSchoolRd-0125This pool has fencing surrounding the pool to keep people out, and railing on the deck to keep people from falling off.

While both pool fence codes and guard railing codes aim to enhance safety, they address different risks and have distinct requirements. Pool fence codes primarily focus on preventing unauthorized access to swimming pools, while guard railing codes primarily aim to prevent falls from elevated areas. It's important for builders and property owners to understand and comply with the specific code requirements applicable to their project to ensure the safety of their family, friends, guests, and neighbors whether by the pool or on the deck.